Creative Arts Playhsop
Theme: Need Fulfillment
Take a few moments before the call to set up your creation space, a place where you can use your art supplies and also participate and connect with others on the call.
Arrive to the call a few minutes early so you have time to get your camera and supplies set up and so we can all start on time.
This is a video call, so plan on using your camera so we can deepen our connections
Saturday, Feb 18, 2023
10am - 1pm PST
11am - 2pm MST
1pm - 4pm EST
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82264426737
Before our session, reflect on your core needs n life; physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual. How do you get these needs met (or not)?
If you are planning to collage in our art gathering, start collecting images to use in your creations around the theme of NEED.
Bring your art journal (or pen & paper) to the call to explore journaling prompts.
Bring any art supplies you want to play with for art creation. You may choose to journal, collage, paint, sew...whatever is calling for your play and exploration. ​​​
Here's a 6 min video around needs to inspire you as you prepare for our gathering.