Earth Apprenticeship
Session 3: Art Time
​Arrive to our call a few minutes early so we can all start together on time & hold the power of our container.
Sunday, Oct 30 2022
10am - 1pm PST
11am - 2pm MST
1pm - 4pm EST
Zoom Link:
Preparation Information
Before our session reflect on what boundaries are present in your life. How are they enforced, or not?
Start collecting magazine images that represent boundaries you have and/or want to cultivate in your life. Bring these images with you to our call so you have them handy for your art journaling.
Bring your art journal and any tools you may want to have handy for journaling. ​
Before our session take some time to reflect on the inner and outer resources you have in your life.
Bring your art journal and any tools you may want to have handy for journaling, or any other form of art you may want to create with in our gathering (SoulCollage, painting, etc). ​
Start collecting magazine images that represent abundance in your life. Bring these images with you to our call so you have them handy for art journaling. ​