Raven ShreeMay 29, 2023The Fool's Journey Begins...The Fool is the Initiate on the Mystical, Mythical & Magical Journey of Evolution. The Fool is the first card in a Tarot deck. It sets...
Raven ShreeMay 25, 2023Leap...Here's a collage I created to activate the energy of The Fool in my life. The poem emerged as a mantra to support a wider leap of faith...
Raven ShreeApr 4, 2023Pomegranate Prayers I had a pomegranate throughout the pandemic. When I bought it, it was red, plump & juicy and filled with so much aliveness. …but I was...
Raven ShreeJul 31, 2022My Brain MRI I recently had an MRI of my brain. This was my first MRI experience and I was a bit nervous; not only about the experience itself but the...
Raven ShreeJun 18, 2022The "NGA" Archetype As someone who’s had a lot of trauma & wounding from my biological mother & father, I used to find myself connecting into these energies...
Raven ShreeMay 3, 2022Blow Up Kayak Initiation Here’s a video I made when I first got my blow up kayak. My friend helped me put it together and ride it for the first time. I love this...
Raven ShreeFeb 5, 2022Kitchen Feng Shui The kitchen is where you store, prepare, and often times, eat your food. This is the room in your home where you turn the bounty of...
Raven ShreeFeb 1, 2022Driving: Colorado to UtahAmazing driving adventure from Denver, CO to Canyonlands, UT. I love the music that guided this journey, some of which is showcased in...
Raven ShreeNov 30, 2021The Hero's Journey The model of the Hero's Journey is a core map I use to navigate my life journey. It's quite the adventure map, and a perfect lens to...
Raven ShreeOct 26, 2021The Tower...On my recent Rites of Passage road trip through Wyoming, I brought with me 8 archetypal allies to explore, study & engage with as I move...