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Earth Apprenticeship Program 

Session 1

Feb 5

Session 2 

Feb 19

Session 3

Mar 5

Session 4

Mar 19

Session 5

Apr 2

Session 6

Apr 16

Click session links above to access handouts & prep information for each gathering. Links will be activated one week prior to the call so you have ample time to review materials prior to our meeting. Video recordings of group calls will be posted in session links above within 24-48 hours of the call for you to reference & listen to.   


I look forward to sharing this Earth Apprenticeship journey with you and supporting you with cultivating a richer & more vital foundation in your life. This video gives an overview of the journey ahead & items you will need in your adventure pack.  

Supplies for the Journey 

Needed Supplies


You'll want a journal & pen for each call. 


I HIGHLY recommend you get an art journal for this program that you can write, draw, collage and maybe even paint in. We will be doing art journaling exercises in each one of our calls. 

Link with art journal ideas 


Recommended Reading


One of the books we will be referencing in our sessions is written by one of my mentors. This book is not required, however, it is a good source to support you through the journey.

Wild Mind by Bill Plotkin  

Mark Your Calendars â€‹

Session dates are listed at the top of this screen. Mark your calendars so you don't miss any of them. Sessions times are: 

PST 9:30am - 1pm 

MST 10:30 am - 2pm 

EST 12:30 - 4pm ​

Optional Supplies  â€‹

  • Magazines & picture books from thrift store to collage with 

  • Scissors & glue sticks

  • Colored Pens. I like Jelly Roll Pens

  • White Pens (great to have in your supplies) 

  • Water Color Paints lots of options

  • Water Color Pencils lots of options 

  • Anything else that inspires you... 


Introduction to SoulCollage



I am so excited about what's to come that I would like to share a BONUS VIDEO with you about SoulCollage. 


SoulCollage is not a requirement for this program, however, aspects of this art form can inspire your art journaling process throughout this 3-month Earth Apprenticeship Program (and beyond).   


To support your collage creativity, I am providing you a link to my Introduction to SoulCollage video. This one-hour recording highlights the medicine & magic of this therapeutic and expressive art process, and how you can start your own personal deck of cards. I've been using this art form for years! It has deeply supported & inspired me in many ways and I am excited to share SoulCollage with you. 

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