It’s easy to focus on things we don’t have.
This especially happens for me
when I see social media posts.
I often find myself longing for
aspects of other peoples lives.
And while this type of comparison
helps me see desires I have for my life,
this type of thinking focuses on lack
and brings contraction into the BodyMind.
One of the things I'm focused on more
is Naming & Nurturing what I DO have in my life
…and there is plenty!
This way of thinking is abundant
and offers expansion in the BodyMind.
To start out, I journaled a list of Resources in my life.
It was nice to name all these in one place.
Featured in this blog are my photos
and SoulCollage creations
that represent the amazing resources
I have in my life, along with
my intentions to nurture & grow them.
May this blog inspire you to do the same.

The first things that came to mind
as I defined Resources in my life were:
My Home, and the shelter, space & comfort it provides.
In 2020 I was planning to move
to the east coast, however,
due to the pandemic, this is now on hold.
This decision made me sink deeper into
my current home space and shift things
to better meet my needs
as I spend more time home in quarantine.

This led me to be grateful for resources
available in the city I live in;
Denver, Colorado.
I live close to mountains, rivers and lakes
and have quick & easy access to nature in my daily life.
To nurture this resource,
I am developing my relationship
with places closer to home.
Visiting places often and over time
allows me to know them better & deeper.
In this way of relating,
I learn more about myself,
and become a more integrated member
of the eco-system I live in.

I am so grateful for my Truck & RV.
These traveling homes contribute greatly
to my sense of freedom & adventure.
I want to continue to take advantage of
these resources by heading out into nature more,
and sharing images & soul poetry
from my travels, so you can deepen
your appreciation for this beautiful world too.

I am grateful for the resources of
my education, career & consistent salary.
Having skills to offer and contribute
in exchange for compensation
is a powerful resource that supports me
with not only surviving, but thriving.
I am culitivating these resources
by reading books & watching videos
about communication, teamwork & leadership.
I am implementing new ideas & concepts
into my work teams,
and holding myself accountable
for being a positive influence in the world.

Another resource I continually cultivate
is my spiritual practice.
It has nurtured & inspired me
through many moments & experiences
and helps me find deeper meaning and peace in life.
I am so grateful for the maps of
the Chakras and the Medicine Wheel.
These are core navigation tools in my life,
and they deepen my relationship
with the Elements of Soul.
I am continuing to cultivate these
by engaging in nature ceremonies
and writing about these practices
and sharing them with others.
I will also be offering on-line events
so I can share these tools with others.

I am grateful for my feline family:
Mr. Prana:ChiChi & Pressy-ella’.
They keep me company every day.
The resource I have with close friends,
and the sharing of our lives
we offer one another
is another resource I cultivate through
on-going connection & communication.

Resources within my being
that I'm grateful for are my:
creativity, imagination, humor & joy.
These enable me to see so much
beauty, possibility & magic in the world.
I am deeply grateful for my senses:
the ability to see, smell, taste, feel and hear.
I am grateful for my breath & my ability to move.
I am grateful for the resource
of my intuition and imagination
and the desires & intentions that fuel my living.

Another resource I’m grateful for is Technology.
And while it has its drawbacks,
it allows me to connect with friends,
and share my creativity with others.
I will continue to nurture this resource by
sharing inspirational posts on my facebook page
and writing blogs such as this.

There are so many ways
to shift ones gaze
from lack to abundance.
By naming and cultivating the resources
you have in your life
you are better able to absorb nutrients from them,
which seeds prosperity for growth & expansion.
As life moves through its ups & downs,
may you create a daily practice
to name, honor and cherish
the abundance you DO have in your life.
Contemplations to Explore
What resources for health and well-being do you have in your life?
How can you cultivate these resources?
What abundance is currently in your life?
How can you share this abundance with others?